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The Anumides – Olorun To Tobi (ENGLISH VERSION)


Anumide Music Worship & Ministries presents The Anumides in the English Version of the Popular worship song; “Olorun To Tobi.”

Olorun To Tobi” in English simply means:

“You Are The Great God”



Olorun to tobi Olorun baba agba /2×

Aye o gba o o, o f’orun se bugbe Orun o gba o o,

o f’aye se apoti ti se Olorun to tobi, olorun baba agba.


You are the great God, you are the ancient father /2x

You are bigger than the earth Your habitation is in heaven

You are bigger than heaven You made the earth your footstool

You are a great God, you are the ancient Father

Listen, Download & Enjoy Below!!!

DOWNLOAD MP3: The Anumides – Olorun To Tobi (ENGLISH VERSION)

Watch & Enjoy Video Below!

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